Gather with EMBRACe

Chatham Partnership for Children Reindeer Run
Chatham Partnership for Children Reindeer Run
Calling all families for the CCPC’s festive 5K, a course that begins at CCCC and loops around downtown Pittsboro. Participants can run as individuals or as teams, and young runners can join the ¾ mile Rudolph’s Fun Run around CCCC’s campus. Proceeds from the event will be shared with local organizations to promote physical activity.
Walk/run with the EMBRACe team, sign up HERE.
Saturday, December 14, 2024
8:00- 10:00AM
Central Carolina Community College
764 West St, Pittsboro, NC 27312

Holiday In The Park
Holiday In The Park
Join Chatham County Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources for this FREE, indoor/outdoor event including pictures with Santa, a hayride, holiday themed games, crafts, candy canes, warm drinks, carolers, letters to Santa, and the tree lighting at 5:15pm to kick off the event! New this year, a Holiday Market!
Ages: All Ages
Fees: FREE
EMBRACe will have a table at the event with a craft activity. Stop by with your kiddos and reconnect with us or if you have a little more time, volunteer with us- we can definitely use help at the table.
Click HERE to let us know if you can join us.
Friday, December 13, 2024
5:00 - 8:00PM Northwest District Park
(Silk Hope/Siler City)

Chatham Health Alliance Holiday Hub
Chatham Health Alliance Holiday Hub
EMBRACe will be helping to distribute food. Stop by and say hi, collect a meal box and fish fry plate, learn about resources in our community, and/or volunteer with us. Click HERE to let us know if you can join us.
Please note that the number of Thanksgiving boxes is limited, so arrive early if you plan to collect a meal box.
Saturday, November 23, 2024
Start at 1:00
1305 Washington Park, Siler City, NC